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The characterization of the United States as becoming more isolationist is a topic of debate and interpretation. While it is true that the US has shown certain tendencies that could be perceived as isolationist in recent years, it is important to consider multiple factors and perspectives. Here are some key points to consider:

  • America First Rhetoric: The « America First » slogan, which emphasizes prioritizing American interests over global commitments, was a prominent feature of the Trump administration’s foreign policy. This rhetoric suggested a more inward-looking approach and a desire to reduce international engagements.
  • Trade Policy: The Trump administration pursued a more protectionist trade policy, advocating for tariffs and renegotiating trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This approach was seen by some as a move toward economic isolationism.
  • Multilateral Agreements and Alliances: The US has withdrawn from or shown skepticism towards certain multilateral agreements, such as the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Iran Nuclear Deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action). There have also been tensions with traditional allies, raising concerns about the US commitment to international cooperation.
  • Immigration Policies: Stricter immigration policies, including travel bans and a focus on border security, have been perceived by some as isolationist measures that limit the openness and global engagement historically associated with the United States.

However, it is worth noting the following counterpoints:

  1. Continued Global Engagement: Despite some shifts in rhetoric and policies, the US remains engaged in numerous international organizations, alliances, and global issues. It continues to have a significant military presence abroad and is involved in diplomatic efforts across the globe.
  2. Economic Interdependence: The US remains deeply interconnected with the global economy. It is a major player in international trade and investment, and many American companies have global operations. Economic interdependence can act as a counterbalance to isolationist tendencies.
  3. Biden Administration’s Approach: The Biden administration has signaled a renewed commitment to multilateralism, rejoining the Paris Agreement, seeking to strengthen alliances, and engaging in international cooperation on issues like the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.
  4. Historical Patterns: The United States has experienced fluctuations in its degree of international engagement throughout its history. Periods of more isolationist sentiment have been followed by periods of increased global involvement.

It is essential to recognize that foreign policy approaches can vary between administrations and are influenced by domestic politics, public opinion, and global events. While certain policies and rhetoric may suggest a move towards isolationism, the overall trajectory and future direction of US foreign policy will continue to evolve and be shaped by a range of factors.
