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expand your horizons

Lesson 1: How is the world organized?

World V2

Lesson 2: What are the different stages of a global product?

Prep’ activity

Watch this video and take notes to prepare the activity in class

If you want to go further, you can also watch the second episod 


Lesson 3: International migrations and other flows in globalization

Prep’ activity

Prepare your role according to your game card :


This Role Play was created by the European Center Robert Schuman and the European Network for Education and Training

Lesson 4: Is globalization a positive of negative phenomenon? (Let’s debate)

Prep’ activity

Prepare the debate


Lesson 5: Is another world possible? Alter and anti-globalization

Prep’ activity


A South African protester shouts from atop a police barricade during a protest against the World Trade Organization in Cancun, 2003

Lesson 6: the story of a global product

Prep’ activity

Activités préparatoires


Les élèves des années précédentes vous ont préparé quelques activités pour réviser votre cours : 

Evaluation collaborative


Cliquez sur l’image cidessus et tapez le code 398943 pour accédez au quiz de révision. Le lien est actif jusqu’au 10 janvier 2019. N’hésitez pas à me solliciter pour le réactiver.